Why Join COMP ?

COMP Can Help Songwriters, Performers & Composers 


Globally Recognized

Organisations like COMP exist in approximately 120 countries across the globe. COMP has signed reciprocal agreements with many of them, allowing us to license the use of music controlled by those organisations in Pakistan, as well as issue licences for the usage of indigenous product abroad.

The individual management of rights is practically impossible for certain types of usage. An author cannot contact every single radio, television station to digital service provider, or other business to negotiate licences and remuneration for the use of their works. Conversely, nor is it practical for a user to seek specific permission from every author for the use of every copyrighted work. The difficulty of managing these activities individually – both for rights’ owners and end-users creates a need for Collective Management Organisations or Performing Rights Societies like COMP. COMP ensures that content creators receive payment when their works are used and that they are justly compensated when their original content is broadcast, performed or otherwise publicly disseminated.

COMP Is Entrusted With Handling The Outsourced
Function Of Intellectual Property Rights Management By: